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Practical Antenna Handbook 5/e
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About the Author
Joseph Carr was a military electronics technician and the author of several popular electronics books, including McGraw-Hill’s Secrets of RF Design, Third Edition and Old Time Radios! Restoration and Repair. He wrote a monthly column for Nuts & Volts magazine. George W. (Bud) Hippisley, W2RU, earned his BSEE degree from MIT, and was formerly chief operating officer for a major supplier of electronics to the cable TV industry. A long-time active amateur radio operator who has won or ranked nationally in many competitive on-the-air operating events, he has given talks on the basics of antennas and ionospheric propagation to radio clubs and other groups for more than 35 years.
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Product details
Series: Practical Antenna Handbook
Paperback: 784 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education TAB; 5 edition (November 15, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780071639583
ISBN-13: 978-0071639583
ASIN: 0071639586
Product Dimensions:
7.4 x 1 x 9.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.3 out of 5 stars
52 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#446,949 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Carr's books were classics, butr I had outgrown them. I have many antenna boojs from ARRL and RSGB, so I ordered this expecting this to be a bit elementary. When I flipped through it on arrival, it seems to confirm my expectations. But I kept it by the throne, and as I read various sections, I started to appreciate the book for several significant features. First the update reorganizes the material so the flow is from basic to advanced. Second, the writing is very good; this means that technical points are much easier to understand. Third, as I read through sections, it made me excited by new projects. I am now planning to create a simple dipole to listen to Jupiter on 19 Mhz - I never imagined it might be feasible to create a radio telescope so easily.I continue to find fascinating ideas, now look forward to my daily ablutions, which have become signficiant input sessions. Very highly recommended.
Carr's Practical Antenna Handbook is a thick volume that tries - mostly successfully - to balance technical detail against practicality. I can follow the book without any issue, but do find it heavy going in a few places. I've found it mostly useful when looking for details and insight into one particular antenna type. While I find antennas interesting, like most amateur radio operators, aside from the introductory material and the coverage of dipoles, which everyone should read, the idea of reading the book in linear fashion cover-to-cover is daunting, besides unnecessary.This handbook is also a good alternative to the ARRL Antenna book at roughly half the price of the latter. The printed version is better quality than the ARRL book. I bought the Kindle version and am entirely happy with it (including the price, responding to one complaint).
This is a book that I am happy to call a member of my collection of antenna books. The book first of all is *readable* not being either a compendium of example antennas others have created that may or may not work, nor is it a book full of old antenna information the foundation for which might date back 80 years and be suspect. It is an up to date treatment of different types of antennas, some theory justifying them, and is exquisitely well-illustrated. Included as well are sections on modern antenna modeling as well as modern means of troubleshooting antenna systems. The book's author is a renowned expert in amateur radio operating and antenna systems. He has always been willing to help others achieve a better understanding of their stations and operation. In short the author's background is perfect to write a Practical Antenna Handbook - someone who knows the theory, practices it avidly and uses his antenna system in frequent operation. I recommend this book to anyone with an interest in antennas, regardless of prior background.
This is so much better than the ARRL Antenna Book (which this same author has also been involved with over the years). At half the price. Joseph Carr is very well known name in Amateur Radio, and greatly missed too. He is/was probably the best there is at taking difficult topics and parsing them down and making them accessible to the general reader, without dumbing it down to the point of uselessness. Everything in this book is useful, and as the title touts, Practical.This book starts with some basic concepts and gradually build them up until the reader is working with some very deep aspects of RF transmission and propagation. It is comprehensive without being overwhelming. I would also recommend any of Mr Carr's other books dealing with radio electronics.
Kindle version - I'm barely up to chapter 2 on this book, On chapter one there is a link to a McGrawHill web site for additional resources that leads to a non existing page. Does anybody know were is the correct page? Other than that IS quite clear so far, no high level mathematics or dense theory. I bought this book because I just bought a Zenith Trans-Oceanic radio and want to install an Antenna in my house that does justice to the radio, nothing more. I'll let you know latter if the book was helpful for that.
Everything you need to know about any antenna, matching network or any other topic associated with antennas is directly located in the chapter you are reading. You do not have to search for anything...it is there! Filled with proven, workable antenna examples, it is a joy to read. Enthusiastically written, it is extremely concise, and accurate on every topic imaginable. The actual examples presented in this book will make you want to try them all. Finally a reference manual on the “how toâ€, and why the antenna you are planning to design will be incredible! It is the best Antenna Handbook ever!
I picked this up because I had a passing in interest in getting my HAM license. This was very helpful illustrating the basics. It goes far beyond what you need for the HAM license. The book has sparked a greater interest and I will likely keep studying just because I am intrigued by the variation in the different types of antennas. So, in this respect the book was a very good stepping stone to more technical aspects of the design.
My co-worker has an earlier edition. I have used his book for years with great satisfaction. Decided to get my own. New edition is even better!This book is a good intermediate level book for people who have a working knowledge of RF and antennas. As the title indicates, it is a "Practial" handbook. I recommend it as such.
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