Ebook , by Bryan Lee O'Malley Bryan Lee OMalley

Minggu, 04 November 2018

Ebook , by Bryan Lee O'Malley Bryan Lee OMalley

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, by Bryan Lee O'Malley Bryan Lee OMalley

, by Bryan Lee O'Malley Bryan Lee OMalley

, by Bryan Lee O'Malley Bryan Lee OMalley

Ebook , by Bryan Lee O'Malley Bryan Lee OMalley

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, by Bryan Lee O'Malley Bryan Lee OMalley

Product details

File Size: 177977 KB

Print Length: 224 pages

Publisher: Oni Press (May 14, 2014)

Publication Date: August 13, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#102,685 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I've had the book for a day and read it twice. I always wondered if I really needed the color edition of this series given how fantastic the black and white originals are. Let me tell you Nathan Fairbairn has gone above and beyond. I love the size of the book, and the color looks fantastic. The stories are brought to life even more so and are quite pleasing to the eyes. The quality of the paper is top notch and doesn't show through the pages. Plus there are a ton of gems in the back of the book like the "making of" and other goodies. Bryan Lee O'Malley writes fantastic characters and I would highly recommend all of his books. There's a bit of development in Scott and Ramona's, and the same humor and very human conversations that have always charmed me so. If you're a fan of the Pilgrim this is a necessity to add to your collection. Now I can't wait until November for the final edition. TL:DR It's top notch quality, and a must if you loved the original copies.

Bryan O'Malley's run pokes fun at the banalities of life while making you feel like a twenty something kid again. The art is charming and original (even if you read Japanese comics). The diverse cast of characters are unique archetypes that keep you hoping they will come back in every panel. May slightly confuse those unfamiliar with videogame pop-culture, but not enough to distract one from the story. My wife especially loved the interlude short stories. Scott Pilgrim will leave you wishing for more once you've completed this six volume series.

[copied from my Goodreads review]Enjoyed this one possibly as much as I did the first volume. Scott had fewer total idiot moments (although confusing his brother [with a different last name] for Gideon does rank up there on the Idio-meter) and the full-volume conflict between Scott and the twins (and their robots) was adventurous.I liked seeing Ramona & Kim interact more, and I wonder if the ending of the novels is going to be a lot different than the movie... I'm definitely sensing something that might happen, but I don't know if I'm just imagining it or not. Excited to see how it all ends in the next volume.(Also, I think the extra content at the back of this volume ranks higher than most of the other bonus pages, except maybe the first volume)

Once upon a time, a comic artist named Bryan Lee O'Malley did a comic series around a central character named Scott Pilgrim. That comic series got made into a movie called Scott Pilgrim Vs The World. The movie was not bad, but was definitely worth seeing if only because it made me want to read the comic series it was based on. And I'm here now to tell you that O'Malley's original series is awesome. It's also almost impossible to describe, but I'll give it my best shot and say it's original, it's funny, it's way surreal, and it's probably unlike anything you've ever read.On the surface, the plot arc of the six-volume series is centered around Scott Pilgrim, a twenty-something game-playing slacker in a Canadian garage band, who meets the girl of his dreams (literally) and finds he must defeat her seven evil ex-es if he wants to date her. But like an iceberg, the surface only hints at everything that lies beneath.Scott Pilgrim Vs The Universe is the fifth volume in the series. The cast of returning characters include:Scott Pilgrim, a wide-eyed and likeable but perpetually clueless 23-year-old slacker who's in a garage band called Sex Bob-omb. Who, in this volume, has a birthday. ("Ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement to make. I, Scott Pilgrim, will be the best 24-year-old... _ever_!")Ramona Flowers, a roller-blading delivery girl for Amazon.ca and the girl of Scott's dreams. ("You and _her_?!" "Oh, relax. It was a phase.")Knives Chau, his 17-year-old Chinese former sort-of girlfriend who still has a major crush on him. ("I've kissed the lips that've kissed you!!!")Wallace Wells, his cool but boy-crazy gay roommate. ("Mobil? He's at a business thing on the astral plane. But he left his body for me to play with.")Stephen Stills, lead guitarist in the band. ("Do you always refer to him by his full name?" - "Who? Stephen Stills? Yes.")Kim Pine, the band's drummer and Scott's ex-girlfriend from high school. ("I need some air. The stupidity in here is making me feel faint.")Young Neil Nordegraf, Stephen Still's roommate and the band's biggest fan. ("What do you play?" "Um... nothing, I just live here.")Comeau, who knows everyone. ("Well, I wouldn't say _everyone_, but yeah, I guess.")Julie Powers, Stephen Stills' on-again/off-again but always bitchy girlfriend. ("That song is about me, people! He thinks I'm a total bitch and a half!" "You mean she doesn't _know_?")Stacey Pilgrim, Scott's younger sister. ("She's Chinese? Wait till Mom hears about this!")And last but not least, Kyle and Ken Katayanagi, twin brothers (even though one of them's blonde), the fifth and sixth of Ramona's evil ex-es to challenge Scott Pilgrim. ("So... you dated twins?" "Um... yep." "At the same time?" "I don't have to answer that!")I highly recommend this book (and the entire series) to anyone who appreciates a comic series with a unique visual style, engaging characters, the kind of surreal world we only wish we could live in, and just a great fun read.

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, by Bryan Lee O'Malley Bryan Lee OMalley PDF

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